Current Value (As at 8th November 2021) = £262,250including cash

Highest Value (as at 8th November 2021) = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2024 = £275,000
Target for 8th November 2025 = £310,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

AZEM accept bid from MERCK

What a result for the SIPP.
Merck have come in with a £1.60bn offer for AZEM, or 403.50 per share.
That has lifted my 2000 shareholding, bought at an average of 330, into profit by almost £1500. I have sold my shareholding and banked the profits to reinvest again.

Currently,  I'm building up shareholdings in some investment trusts while I seek out another potential bid target. These are:-

Herald Investment Trust
BlackRock World Mining Trust

As the economy picks up, I'm expecting bids for Optimal Payments plc and International Personal Finance,  both of which are strong, profitable companies operating in niche markets.