Current Value (As at 8th November 2021) = £307,654including cash

Value at 8th November 2021 = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2022 = £359,355
Target for 31st December 2021 = £300,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Capital Growth is equivalent to 12.905%pa since Aug 2012 (not including monthly contributions and occasional deposits).

Projected growth of SIPP: £50k to £500k in 12 years!

Initial capital 1st August 2012 = £51,684
12.90% pa growth = 1.017% per month including dividends

August 1st to November 1st = 3 months
51,684 plus £300 x 3 = 52,584 @ 1.017% growth / month

Year 1 (pe 01Nov13): b/f £55,440 plus £300 x 12; plus 1.017% growth / month
Year 2 (pe 01Nov14): b/f £66,566 plus £300 x 12; plus 1.017% growth / month
Year 3 (pe 01Nov15): b/f £80,511 plus £300 x 9 and £750 x 3; 
plus 1.017% growth / month = £92,313
Year 4 (pe 01Nov16): b/f £92,313 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.017% growth / month = £113,747
Year 5 (pe 01Nov17): b/f £113,747 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.017% growth / month = £137,946
Year 6 (pe 01Nov18): b/f £137,946 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.017% growth / month = £165,269
Year 7 (pe 01Nov19): b/f £165,269 plus £750 x 8; plus 1.017% growth / month = £193,071
Year 8 (pe 01Nov20): b/f £193,071 plus £14,000 (24Jan) & £2,000 (30Oct); 
plus 1.017% growth / month = £235,321
Actual Value at 8th November 2020 = £243,127

Year 9 (pe 01Nov21): b/f £235,321 plus £10,095.52 & £2,000; 
plus 1.017% growth / month = £291,839
TARGET for 8th November 2021 = £291,839
Actual Value at 8th Nov 2021 = £307,654

1 comment:

  1. Projected Growth as at 11th May 2018

    Initial capital 1st August 2012 = £51,684
    15% pa growth = 1.17% per month

    August 1st to November 1st = 3 months
    51,684 plus £300 x 3 = 52,584 @ 1.17% growth / month = 54,440

    Year 1 (pe 01Nov13): b/f £55,440 plus £300 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £66,566
    Year 2 (pe 01Nov14): b/f £66,566 plus £300 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £80,511
    Year 3 (pe 01Nov15): b/f £80,511 plus £300 x 9 and £750 x 3; plus 1.17% growth / month = £98.033
    Year 4 (pe 01Nov16): b/f £98,033 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £122,638
    Year 5 (pe 01Nov17): b/f £122,638 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £150,934
    Year 6 (pe 01Nov18): b/f £150,934 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £183,474
    Target for 1st November 2018 = £183,474

    Year 7 (pe 01Nov19): b/f £183,474 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £220,895
    Year 8 (pe 01Nov20): b/f £220,895 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £263,930
    Year 9 (pe 01Nov21): b/f £263,930 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £313,419
    Year 10 (pe 01Nov22): b/f £313,419 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £370,332
    Year 11 (pe 01Nov23): b/f £370,332 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £435,782
    Year 12 (pe 01Nov24): b/f £435,782 plus £750 x 12; plus 1.17% growth / month = £511,049
    As at 08 November 2024 = £511,049
