Current Value (As at 8th November 2021) = £307,654including cash

Value at 8th November 2021 = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2022 = £359,355
Target for 31st December 2021 = £300,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Capital Growth is equivalent to 12.905%pa since Aug 2012 (not including monthly contributions and occasional deposits).

Monday 12 October 2015

OPAY moves to new highs as SIPP portfolio is consolidated

This last week has again seen OPAY reach new (adjusted) highs. The share price is within touching distance of hitting 400+ when the company is quoted on the FTSE250 - anticipated to happen in early December.

Further to my last blog, I've continued updating and consolidating the shareholdings within my SIPP. This continues to be (generally) in-line with the criteria I have set myself when reviewing SIPP performance earlier this year, ie:-
1) Investment companies to have a market value of greater than £500 million
2) Investment companies to have a yield of at least 3%.
3) Investment companies to be without significant debt, or able to cover debt from cash reserves (if this does not make sense that is because I am NOT a trained financial analyst).

I have been able to finance the purchases by monthly contributions to the SIPP (£750 per month) and from the sale of my entire shareholding in International Personal Finance (IPF) whose share price has recently spiked to 425+, and by trimming my shareholding in Fidelity Asian Value IT (FAS).

The current shareholdings are as follows:
1) BlackRock Smaller Co IT (BRSC) : 894 shares
2) Fidelity Asian Values IT (FAS) : 1190 shares
3) GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) : 620 shares
4) GVC Holdings (GVC) : 1000 shares
5) Hill & Smith Holdings (HILS) : 375 shares
6) International Capital Group (ICP): 643 shares
7) International Personal Finance (IPF) : SOLD
8) Laird (LRD): 402 shares
9) Lancashire Holdings (LRE) : 1000 shares
10) Optimal Payments (OPAY) : 10000 shares
11) RPS Group (RPS): 686 shares
12) Segro (SGRO) : 1300 shares
13) Brown Group (BWNG) : 492 shares
14) Ashmore (ASHM) : 300 shares
15) RSA Insurance (RSA) : 200 shares
16) Unilever (ULVR) : 58 shares
17) BAE (BA.) : 185 shares
18) Pearson (PSON) : 72 shares
19) Cenkos (CNKS) : 870 shares

Financial Data for SIPP
Target at 31st December 2014 = £86,000
Actual Value on 31st December 2014 = £75,780 (under performed by £10,220)

Current Value (12th October 2015) = £89,896 (approx), including cash of £2,621
Target for 31st December 2015 = £107,160

Value at commencement of blog (1st August 2012) = £51,684.02
Monthly contributions since commencement of blog:
36 months @ £300 = £10,800
3 months @ £750 = £2,250
Total = £13,050

Capital Growth = £89,896 less (£51,684.02 + £13,050) = £25,152 or 39%