Current Value (As at 8th November 2021) = £307,654including cash

Value at 8th November 2021 = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2022 = £359,355
Target for 31st December 2021 = £300,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Capital Growth is equivalent to 12.905%pa since Aug 2012 (not including monthly contributions and occasional deposits).

Monday 10 August 2015

SIPP update continues

I've recently decided to bite the bullet and close the book on my ill-fated purchase of XChanging (XCH). As such, I've sold off my entire 3000 shareholding, recouping (after costs) £3,087.43. This has resulted in a loss of just under £2,000 or approx 40% of my initial investment.
Disappointingly awful.

Pending the adjustment of my OPAY shareholding - which should follow once the company is quoted on the FTSE250 - I've decided to commence updating my SIPP.  This is in-line with the criteria I have set myself when reviewing SIPP performance earlier this year, ie:-
1) Investment companies to have a market value between £500m - £3,000m
2) Investment companies to have a yield of at least 3%.
3) Investment companies to be without significant debt, or able to cover debt from cash reserves (if this does not make sense that is because I am NOT a trained financial analyst).

As such, taking advantage of the monies recouped from the sale of XCH, I have been able to make initial purchases in a couple of companies:-
Laird (LRD): 190 shares @ 400
RPS Group (RPS): 330 shares @ 229
I have also brought the shareholding in BRSC up to 10% of the SIPP value, approx £8,300, by purchasing another 140 shares @ 939.

Financial Data for SIPP
Target at 31st December 2014 = £86,000
Actual Value on 31st December 2014 = £75,780 (under by £10,220)

Current Value (10th August 2015) = £84,010 (approx), including cash of £2,285
Target for 31st December 2015 = £107,160

Value at commencement of blog (1st August 2012) = £51,684.02
Monthly contributions since commencement of blog:
36mths @ £300 = £10,800
1 month @ £750 = £750
Total = £11,550

Capital Growth = £84,010 less (£51,684.02 + £11,550) = £20,776 or 32%