Current Value (As at 8th November 2021) = £307,654including cash

Value at 8th November 2021 = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2022 = £359,355
Target for 31st December 2021 = £300,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Capital Growth is equivalent to 12.905%pa since Aug 2012 (not including monthly contributions and occasional deposits).

Tuesday 2 October 2018

SIPP Portfolio as at 30 September 2018

Current holdings in the SIPP
British Aerospace (BA.) holding now = 731 (n/c); Value = £4,605 (UP £177)
Blackrock Smaller Co IT (BRSC) holding now = 1200 (n/c); Value = £17,184 (down £516)
BP (BP.) Bought 1565 shares; holding now = 3065; Value = £18,084 (cost £17,366)
FDM Group (FDM) holding now = 855 (n/c); Value = £8,294 (UP £257) 
GB Group (GBG) Dividend 3 shares; holding now = 2558; Value = £14,836 (down £1,082) 
Genus (GNS) holding now = 160 (n/c); Value = £3,824 (down £739)
GVC Holdings (GVC) holding now = 1390 (n/c); Value = £12,732 (down £2,572)
HG Capital Trust IT (HGT) holding now = 840 (n/c); Value = £16,716 (UP £504)
Homeserve (HSV) holding now = 1526 (n/c); Value = £15,641 (down £229)
Keywords Studios (KWS) holding now = 779 (n/c); Value = £15,120 (down £460)
Legal & General (LGEN) holding now = 6500 (n/c); Value = £17,030 (UP £520)
Safecharge Group (SCH) holding now = 2464 (n/c); Value = £8,008 (UP £247)
Sage (SGE) holding now = nil : SOLD
Segro PLC (SGRO) holding now = 2600 (n/c); Value = £16,536 (down £634)

Cash: holding now = £2,637
Portfolio Value = £171,247 was £173,433  DOWN £2,186 or 1.26%

The loss in the month was worse that as reported as the current SIPP value includes a monthly contribution of £750, so the loss in the period is actually £2,936.

Major transactions include a sale of the complete holding in SAGE, as I cannot see a recovery in the SP in the next 6 months.  The business is undergoing major restructuring, which is something that I did not take into account.

The proceeds of the sale have been pumped into oil share BP: there's a few factors behind this a) the company has finally completed the payment of damages for the Texas oil spill; b) the company is now leaner and more efficient and has new income streams coming into play; c) the USA is about to launch trade sanctions on major oil producer Iran, and that could well push up the price of oil to US$90.  Since I've been a shareholder of BP, the share-price has improved and we should see it top 600 (my initial purchase was at 550).

I'm concerned that the actions of US President Trump have affected the SP of Genus (GNS) which is a company with large markets in China, and it seems unlikely that there will be a recovery soon.

I am also concerned about the drop in value of GVC from summer highs of over 1100 to under 930 today (2nd Oct 18).  Personally, given the strength in the management of the company, I see this as a buying opportunity and will be looking to increase my holding.

The same can be said for GB Group (GBG), this company should have a significant future and may well be in the FTSE100 within 5 years.