Current Value (As at 16th December 2024) = £266,230including cash

Highest Value (as at 8th November 2021) = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2024 = £275,000
Target for 8th November 2025 = £310,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Monday, 10 August 2015

SIPP update continues

I've recently decided to bite the bullet and close the book on my ill-fated purchase of XChanging (XCH). As such, I've sold off my entire 3000 shareholding, recouping (after costs) £3,087.43. This has resulted in a loss of just under £2,000 or approx 40% of my initial investment.
Disappointingly awful.

Pending the adjustment of my OPAY shareholding - which should follow once the company is quoted on the FTSE250 - I've decided to commence updating my SIPP.  This is in-line with the criteria I have set myself when reviewing SIPP performance earlier this year, ie:-
1) Investment companies to have a market value between £500m - £3,000m
2) Investment companies to have a yield of at least 3%.
3) Investment companies to be without significant debt, or able to cover debt from cash reserves (if this does not make sense that is because I am NOT a trained financial analyst).

As such, taking advantage of the monies recouped from the sale of XCH, I have been able to make initial purchases in a couple of companies:-
Laird (LRD): 190 shares @ 400
RPS Group (RPS): 330 shares @ 229
I have also brought the shareholding in BRSC up to 10% of the SIPP value, approx £8,300, by purchasing another 140 shares @ 939.

Financial Data for SIPP
Target at 31st December 2014 = £86,000
Actual Value on 31st December 2014 = £75,780 (under by £10,220)

Current Value (10th August 2015) = £84,010 (approx), including cash of £2,285
Target for 31st December 2015 = £107,160

Value at commencement of blog (1st August 2012) = £51,684.02
Monthly contributions since commencement of blog:
36mths @ £300 = £10,800
1 month @ £750 = £750
Total = £11,550

Capital Growth = £84,010 less (£51,684.02 + £11,550) = £20,776 or 32%