Current Value (As at 16th December 2024) = £266,230 including cash

Highest Value (as at 8th November 2021) = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2024 = £275,000
Target for 8th November 2025 = £310,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Transactions 15th August 2013

This blog is simply a "diary" of the trades on my SIPP.
The intention is to detail what I've bought and sold, and provide a brief explanation as to why. You should be aware that this is not a share "tipping" site. I will make no recommendations to buy or sell shares as I am not regulated to do so by the FSA. I will simple state what I have already bought and sold personally. You should ALWAYS do your own research and come to your own decision on share trades. If you follow my trading and lose money you only have yourself to blame, and not me.

The is a bit of turmoil in today's markets with all the major indices showing falls. If you recall my comment last week, I sold my small 400 shareholding in International Personal Finance (IPF) at 619 being of the opinion that they may go below 595, at which point I would start buying again. Well, they've done just that and I've bought 500 shares this morning at a cost of £3,007.31 (average cost per share = 601 including fees). I've been a fan of this company for about 6 months as they seem to be capable of significant growth.

I've been a bit perturbed by significant downward movement in Ashtead Group (AHT) off a "high" of 736 in mid-July, so I've halved my shareholding selling 700 shares to recover £4,504.51.

Sometimes you make a transaction in error and, when it happens, it pays to reverse the transaction quickly before too much damage is done. Last week I increased my shareholding in William Hill (WMH), buying at 444. Since then, the share price has slumped on the back of unfavourable data regarding shrinking markets and the high costs of internet gambling (resulting in lower forecast profits) to 425 this morning. So, I've cut my losses and sold-off all my shares (1000) in WMH to recover £4,246.32.

I've taken another look at Optimal Payments Group (OPAY) and their relentless progress upwards of the share price and I've increased my holding by 870 shares (to 2600) at a cost of £1,727.55 (or 198 per share). In May 2011, these shares were at 38.50p  and have enjoyed a 5-fold increase in value since then, and I can't see this growth stopping in the short-term.

I was hoping interim results today would show (AZEM) AZ Electronic Materials Group in a better light. Unfortunately, they are down 17p to 300 which is a 5% drop. As per my comments yesterday, I think this is a company that will benefit from any growth in consumer spending in electrical goods.

The value of investments can go down in value as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest. It is therefore important that you understand the risks and commitments being undertaken when investing in a Pension (SIPP). This blog is not personal advice, but is a record of the authors own investments.

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