Current Value (As at 16th December 2024) = £266,230including cash

Highest Value (as at 8th November 2021) = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2024 = £275,000
Target for 8th November 2025 = £310,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Increased holding in Senior

This weak I decided to double my shareholding in Senior (SNR) to 1560 shares. I think this company is significantly undervalued at £880 million given that it has been regularly in profit and has a growing turnover (and dividend).  It should be taken into account that the company was trading at 350 just 2-years ago (the SP this week is about 215) and the conditions of the marketplace for Seniors products in aerospace, defence and energy look strong - well, stronger than they have done in the past 18 months - and the outlook looks better.
I will be happy to achieve an SP of 250+ in the next 6 months and can see that happening for a company that appears to have turned a corner and now has the wind in its sails.

A couple of the shareholdings in the SIPP have been treading water for the past few months, and I will be looking at all the constituents of the SIPP in depth over the weekend with a view to closing some positions and opening new ones.
As of today, the SIPP value is £130,800 (the shareholdings are detailed to the right) and that value includes a cash holding of £1,937.

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