Current Value (As at 16th December 2024) = £266,230including cash

Highest Value (as at 8th November 2021) = £307,654
Target for 8th November 2024 = £275,000
Target for 8th November 2025 = £310,000
Value of SIPP at commencement of this blog on 1st August 2012 = £51,684.02.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Holdings 4th September 2017

The current holdings (as of today 4th September 2017) are:
1) BAE (BA.) : 1115 shares valued @ £ 6,746 (UP £184 from £6,562)
2) BlackRock Smaller Co IT (BRSC) : 1181 shares valued @ £14,632 (UP £354 from £14,278)
3) G4S (GFS) : 2410 shares valued @ £6,873 (UP £90 from £6,783)
4) GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) : 396 shares valued @ £6,001 (UP £16 from £5,985)
5) GVC Holdings (GVC) : 1031 shares valued @ £8,160 (UP £47 from £8,113)
6) HG Capital Trust (HGT) : 220 shares valued @ £3,742 (UP £22 from £3,720)
7) ICG Enterprise Trust (ICGT) : 730 shares valued @ £5,431
8) JPMorgan Emerging Markets (JMG): 625 shares valued @ £5,325 (UP £204 from £5,121)
9) Lancashire Holdings (LRE) : 1209 shares valued @ £8,227 (down £623 from £8,850)
10) Legal & General (LGEN): 2860 shares valued @ £7,384
11) Pacific Assets (PAC) : 1931 shares valued @ £4,866 (down £63 from £4,929)
12) Paysafe (PAYS) : 6000 shares valued @ £34,950
13) Sage Group (SGE): 931 shares valued @ £6,428 (UP £93 from £6,335)
14) Schroder Asia-Pacific (SDP) : 1252 shares valued @ £5,471 (UP £69 from £5,402)
15) Segro (SGRO) : 1607 shares valued @ £8,670 (UP £65 from £8,605)
16) Senior (SNR) : 1574 shares valued @ £4,312 (UP £200 from £4,112)
17) XBT Provider (BIT-XBT): 800 units valued @ £13,499 (UP £5,012 from £8,487)
Cash @ £3.390 (was £669)
SIPP Value = £154,107 (UP £4,597)

The main increase has been in Bitcoin with my holding (200 units is equivalent to 1 Bitcoin) increasing in value by 59% and this is over 10% below the peak value.  Bitcoin is the future of financial transactions.  This will be an anathema to many who are professionals in the banking world, but the onslaught of crypto-currency cannot be halted. It may come as a bit of a surprise to many traditional investors to learn that with the sabre-rattling missile firing of North Korea last week, while stock markets wobbled, Bitcoin rose to a record high of almost US$5,000 per bitcoin. The price has slipped since Saturday 2nd September to just over US$4,300 as I write this, but I cannot see it dropping more than 30% below that all-time high. Where will it end up?  I can see Bitcoin hitting US$10,000+ before the end of 2018.

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